
Showing posts from June, 2023

Our Pool! Jan-May 2023

We started our pool project in January 2023.  We were so excited that we would soon have a pool in our backyard.  The pool company explained that from sign to swim it would be 5 months in time.  How exciting!  We would be swimming by summer time.  Hope has been in swim lessons since she was about 1 year old and loves the water. I’m so glad we started the project during the winter months when we really didn’t have a desire to go in a pool because it does actually get cold in Florida.  When the weather did warm up, we had our community pool to swim in, which was perfect.   Step One: Dig the pool The soil here in Florida is so easy to dig unlike San Diego soil, which is filled with rocks.  The crew took half a day or less to dig out the pool.  The rebar team then moved in to prepare for the next step, which was pouring the concrete.  After the team finished the digging and placing the rebar, an alligator turtle wondered into our backyard an...