Thanksgiving/My Birthday At Disney's EPCOT Center November 24th, 2022

This year for Thanksgiving we decided that we would spend the day at a Disney theme park since we would be away from family. My birthday was also on Thanksgiving this year, so Ray said I could pick what we did for the day. Neither Ray or I had ever been to the Disney World Resort (except for Disney Springs, which we have attended a couple of times since moving to Tampa). Reservations to the parks are needed and Disney's Magic Kingdom had already sold out of reservations, plus I picture the Magic Kingdom being a lot like Disneyland in California, which I have been to many times. A Disney cast member I spoke with said that Thanksgiving is notorious for being the most crowded day of the year, so she recommended we attend either EPCOT or Disney's Animal Kingdom. We have been to many zoos, so we decided EPCOT was the place for us. We left our apartment at 6 am on Thanksgiving, so we could get to the park when it opened at 8 am. After a quick st...