Easter 2023

 Tibbitts Family Easter 2023

Our first Easter in Florida was wonderful.  We were able to attend three Easter egg hunts.  The first Easter egg hunt was with our new ward family outside of the church building.  Hope had to move fast to find any eggs as there were loads of big kids to compete with at this activity.

Hope trying to find as many eggs as she could.  She did a great job.

Ray and Hope checking out some of the items in her Easter eggs. 

I was able to sneak into a photo. 

Easter Egg Hunt Number Two

The second Easter egg hunt took place in our front yard before church and we were lucky to be joined by our good friends and neighbors, the Holloway family.  Ed and Dana Holloway have four children, Eli, Chase, Everly, and Julia.

Hope and Ray finding lots of eggs.
Hope found a huge green Easter egg.
Hope finding lots of eggs in our front yard.  The Easter Bunny was busy that year.  I believe there was over 100 eggs in our yard and our neighbor's yard.

Hope's Easter Basket Surrounded by Her Stuffed Animals

Easter Egg Hunt Number Three

Our final Easter egg hunt was with our friends, the Gladen family, who generously invited us to their family Easter egg hunt and dinner.  We had a lovely time and Hope got to search for eggs with her good friends, Donny and Bryn (twins).

Bryn and Hope finding eggs.

By the time we got back in the car, Hope was exhausted and feel right to sleep. 


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